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New to Wrestling

Learn about wrestling by doing it!

While almost all young kids wrestle around with friends and siblings, the sport of wrestling is a bit of niche sport. We at Glencoe Youth Wrestling recognize that most young athletes (and parents) aren't too familiar with it. And we feel the best way to learn about this unique sport is to do it!

GYW offers a "pre-season" clinic for those who have never wrestled before but want to give it a shot before committing to a full season. During the 2 days of this clinic, participants will learn about the rules, positions and a few basic techniques to give them a feel for what to expect.  The clinic is only open to first time wrestlers, ensuring that all participants will be on a level playing field as they explore what wrestling involves. 

The details for this year's clinic are below:

  • Dates: Monday, 11/6 and Tuesday 11/7
    • Participants are expected to attend both days
  • Time: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
  • Location: Glencoe High School wrestling room (north end of campus)
  • Cost: $10
    • The $10 fee will be discounted from your season registration should your child opt to join us this year
  • What to Bring:
    • Socks
    • Water bottle
    • Mouth guard for those with braces

If this sounds like something of interest, you can find this year's clinic registration link on our Registration page.

Notes on the Video

Here is a video that does a pretty good job of explaining the type of wrestling that Glencoe Youth Wrestling primarily focuses on. If you have never  wrestled or seen a match, the video will get you started. There a couple disclaimers though:

  • The video exclusively focuses on college level wrestling, so don't put too much stock in the technique itself (much of it is quite high level)
  • A few of the rules explanations do not apply to youth wrestling (or at least not across all age groups). For example, there is no riding time.

Print Resources

Here are some printable resources for you that further explain wrestling. You will find a "match explainer" that provides a bit more detailed look at what the video above covered and a table with picture of different referee signals and their meaning.